WARNING: "The action is not allowed because the data you are viewing is invalid. The transaction is currently being modified"

Document ID: 30489
Modified: 06/07/2021

Isabel 6 does not allow multiple users to work on the same transaction file at once. When a user tries to sign or modify a transaction, all other users are prevented from working on the same transaction. Once the user has completed his task, the transaction file is no longer blocked.

However, it may occur that a user ends his session while he is still in the process of signing or modifying his transaction (e.g. his computer crashed or he closed Internet Explorer and did not end the ebanking session correctly (*).

(*) Always use the    button in the upper right part of the page, to safely exit the application.

Error messages:

  • File with ID xxxxxxxxxxx already locked by owner xxxxxx and the lock not yet expired. Expiration=Tue Apr 21 14:34:36 CEST 2009
  • The action is not permitted because the data you are viewing are invalid, someone is currently updating it.
  • The transaction can not be sent
  • The transaction is being modified by xxxxxx.


If the error message contains a timestamp:
  • Contact the owner who locked the transaction (this person is mentioned in the message you receive) and ask him to exit Isabel 6 with the log out button in the upper right part of the page and login again. This will unblock the transaction instantly.

  • If the transaction is still blocked or you cannot reach the owner who locked the transaction, wait 30 minutes after the timestamp mentioned in the error message: see the text that follows "Expiration=".


    File with ID xxxxxxxxxxx already locked by owner xxxxxx and the lock not yet expired. Expiration=Tue Apr 21 14:34:36 CEST 2009

    The transaction file will no longer be blocked after Tue Apr 21 14:34:36. Please wait until that moment before signing or modifying the transaction.
If the error message contains NO timestamp:

Wait 30 minutes before signing or modifying the transaction. If you still cannot sign or modify your transaction after 30 minutes, contact Isabel Customer Care.

WARNING: "The action is not allowed because the data you are viewing is invalid. The transaction is currently being modified"