How long does Isabel keep account information, CODA, Transactions,...

Document ID: 26018
Modified: 05/10/2022

With Isabel 6 your data is stored securely at Isabel so you can access it anywhere and at any time.

Depending on the kind of information, data will be purged periodically:

  • Account Info remains available for 24 months.

  • Reporting files (e.g. CODA / MT940) remain available for 93 days (about 3 months).

  • Generated reports remain available for 5 days.

  • Transactions that are not sent to the bank are not automatically removed.

  • Sent Transactions remain available for 3 months. (It will not be removed if the memo date OR the send date is within 90 days )

  • Beneficiaries are removed immediately when an Isabel contract is terminated.

  • Beneficiaries remain available for 6 months after a user is deactivated.
How long does Isabel keep account information, CODA, Transactions,...