Isabel Connect

Document ID: 46054
Modified: 18/09/2023

Isabel Connect enables certain ERPs to access your Isabel 6 data easily and securely.

Isabel Connect requires your agreement and the activation of the "Isabel Connect" module as described below.

Manage Isabel Connect: Establishing the connection

Isabel Connect user linking is executed from within your Isabel Connect compatible accounting software.

Consult your accounting software's user guide, or contact your accounting software support.

Manage Isabel Connect: Deactivate the Isabel Connect module

Isabel Connect user linking is executed from within ypur Isabel Connect compatible accounting software

Consult your accounting Software's user guide, or contact your accounting software support.

If you can no longer access your accounting software :

  1. On the Isabel 6 Welcome Page, click on "Subscribe to Modules"
  2. Disable "Isabel Connect"
  3. Confirm your selection.​​​​​
  4. The Isabel Connect module will be deactivated in 30 minutes.
Sharing of uploaded files

By default, valid payment files uploaded via Isabel Connect, after acceptance of any warnings, are shared with all colleagues who have access to the same bank account, in the scope of the same ebanking contract. This includes colleagues without signing authority.

Your accounting package may allow you to

  • limit sharing to mandated signatories only;
  • hide the details of the payments in the transactions and sent transactions screens in the Isabel 6 interface.

Contact the administrator of your accounting package for more information.

Automaticaly sent when sufficiently signed

Payment files uploaded via Isabel Connect are not automaticaly sent when sufficiently signed.

In order to send a payment automaticaly when sufficiently signed:

  • Make sure you have activated the module "Multisign"
  • Activate "Automaticaly send when sufficiently signed" in the payment's processing options.


Isabel Connect